Data Cleaning GPTs To Save Your Time

AI Workflows that ensure your data is ready to use

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What Can We Do For You?

  • Format Company Name

    Remove Inc, LLC, etc. from a company name 

  • Format Phone Numbers

    Format phone numbers to e164, international, and national formats 

  • Remove Whitespace

    Remove extra whitespace from input text in cells

  • Score Rows

    Score the rows in your database based on criterias that you'd like to set

  • URL Checker

    Share a URL as an input and know whether or not the link is valid 

  • Extract URLs and Emails from Text

    Find and extract urls and emails from a body of text 

  • Detect Language of Text

    Share a piece of text as input and detect the language of the text

  • Generate Email Permutations

    Provide domain and full name to generate a list of possible email addresses 

  • Extract Company Domain from Email Address

     Extract domain from any email address and identify whether it is a work or personal address 

  • Format Date/Time

    Ensure that data or time is in a given format

  • Validate Addresses

    Given an address as input, format it, and validate that the address exists 

  • Categorize and Filter Data

    Categorize data based on your own requirements and set filters for the same

Built on Unicorn Platform